Thursday, September 11, 2008


We have a problem. It's HIV. It's horrible. It's scary. It's making me rethink if sex is really worth your life. It's not. Therefore, I'm waiting until I'm married. Lmao. Seriously!

This is gonna be really hard but I have tooooooo much to live for and forward to. Um..Read this.

"But CDC officials announced “there were more new HIV infections in young black [gay and bisexual] men aged 13-29 than any other age or racial group” of gay men. "

Jesus, take the wheel! This is getting out of hand. What makes this suck eeeeven more is that people will walk around with this disease and still fuck whoever. You have to be extra, extra safe. Promiscuity has a lot to do with this, but it's not the main factor. PROTECT YOUR DAMN SELF.

Silence equals death. Get tested! What's so hard about the truth? It could be relieving. If you have a bad feeling about someone's health, don't sex them!

=/ Sad. All of these years and this has not be resolved.

AHEM! SO STARTING TODAY; I will not have anymore sex. Until I meet someone who I'm feeling 2920834%. Even then, we'll both get tested and stillllllll use protection. That's gonna be forever. Sexual frustration much?

I know will eat my words. I know, I know lmfao. But it's worth a try. I think that I can go a few months..or weeks..or days..Lawwwwwwwwd.


Elle K. said...

Self constraint please?

at least you could get some.
and people act stupid as hell when it comes to protection. lmfao. like remember muslim boy in the car? let's the condom FALL OFF!

mars ™ said...

Keep it in your pants, damnnitt!