Tuesday, May 29, 2012


It's been a long time coming. Too much has changed, way too much to type. I just want you to know that I have not given up on writing or expressing myself. The boy who once wrote in this blog transformed, evolved into a man. He is proud and the boy now sleeps, peacefully in his heart.

As I type this, I feel my emotions filling up in my chest..I don't know why. It's just overwhelming to really sit back and read over these posts and think about how life has really shaped me into where I am now. I'm grateful. God is so amazing to me. I'm so thankful. I'm thankful for the heartbreaks, the long walks in the parks, nature changing before my eyes, the long nights, the first and last kisses, the break ups, make ups, the hey-it's-been-a-minute hugs, the tears, the fear, the love..I'm so happy. I can't believe that I just typed that. I've been battling with the question if I'm happy or not..but happiness is found in..satisfaction. I'm just satisfied and grateful and thankful that I have the ability and privilege to feel..taste..smell..see..hear..experience life for what it is.

I'm still searching for answers, though. I need to be creating music..I feel it. I feel like I should be writing..but who knows where and what we are here for..we just have to do our best and make a shot in the dark and hope that it hits the right mark.

It's been years since I've posted anything on here..I really wanna say everything on my mind. But we have time. Stay tuned.

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