Thursday, October 2, 2008


"..dreams are but the children of an idle brain.."
-Romeo & Juliet

Right now, in this moment, I feel a high of calmness; just very tranquil. I've had enough of feeling so melancholy. New seasons bring new emotions.

Lately, I've been basing everything off of the changing of seasons and I like to believe that my theories of seasons are acceptable. (EDIT: I think that the in between weather, from hot to cold, is a reason why we're having these up & down emotions. Autumn is a time for love, wearing your heart on long sleeves lol. Just think about it.)

I think I did well on my Engineering and EPI tests. Got my book for my book report. Talked to my mom about a few things that I need soon; my permit being number one on that list.

Get paid next week. New phone shortly after.

Trying to grow up a little more. Even though (some) people claim that I act older than I really am, I still feel like I hold childish like attributes.

I appreciate my friends. I love my friends.
Shaun, keep your head up.
Shay, congratulations.


There is two people who won't just give it up. Clearly, their words aren't getting too played out. Saying these washed up, corny, tired, cheesy lines are not getting you anywhere with me. When a relationship/friendship is extremely done with me, I lose interest in trying to rebuild it. I rather want you to be another memory or maybe just someone to socialize with from time to time. Nothing more. I have the necessary in my life already and I highly doubt that they're going anywhere because we have established a REAL, INTIMATE, and strong relationship. As oppose to our little fling that was overdue from the jump. Realize that! Please! Sad but very true: I held onto people who I thought could bring me bliss, but brought nothing but ignorance and a roller coaster; same thing, redundant, never changes.

I am proud (of myself) to say that I exhaled these people out of my lungs. They were turning my insides in coal. Now I'm anew.

Like I said, new beginnings. Get with it.

be careful out there! I just had another awakening.

1 comment:

Elle K. said...

just wanna say that your theory of shedding the old with the new season is so cool and true.

the positivity is needed.
many of us seem to be lacking lately.

i hope you continue to aspire to new things ad reach for greatness.
darling, YOU are AMAZING.