Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Call it Off.

Start Monday.

I still feel like shit & I still want to have sex.
School sucks & if I don't go to coach class, I will be left behind in my Economics class.

Um..I need to read my book right now. One thing is off my mind and I'm glad that I called.

I closed my eyes just now and I went into this musical trance. I just fixed up my WMP and the music plays better; WOW settings & this uh fading thing that sounds like awesome when another song is coming on.

Signs of love making. Lord, oh lord. I was singing this song at the bus stop to Shanin, Denise, Kye and Tinsley. This old man was like smiling at me the whole time. I was getting off. Thrusting the air and everything. Biting the lip. Giving the bedroom eyes. I need to become a porn star and get it over with.


1 comment:

Panda said...

lmfao @ the ending :]]]